Business General Counsel

Business General Counsel- Subscription Model- Whelan Walker Law
(See subscription fee schedule)

For over 30 years, Jennifer W. Walker, Esq. has provided legal advice to privately owned businesses and business owners as well as individuals.

Hiring an experienced general counsel on a subscription basis is a smart choice for any business or individual  seeking ongoing support and guidance on legal matters on an as needed basis without having to hire a full time inside counsel. This allows businesses to be proactive in managing their legal risks and to address issues before they become major problems, navigate the constantly changing legal landscape, and resolving surprise disputes.    Unexpected legal challenges can arise at any time, and often require immediate attention to avoid significant financial or reputational damage. With Walker’s deep knowledge of the law and experience in dispute resolution, she is able to help businesses navigate these challenges and achieve a favorable resolution.

Working with a general counsel on a subscription basis enables businesses to save time and money in the long run. By developing a deep understanding of each client’s unique needs and goals, Ms. Walker is able to provide personalized advice and support that is tailored to their specific needs, acting as a trusted strategic partner helping them to avoid costly legal pitfalls and inefficiencies as well as to navigate a wide range of complex legal issues.

Working with Ms. Walker on a subscription basis allows businesses to take a long-term, strategic approach to their legal needs.  By partnering with Whelan Walker Law on a subscription basis, businesses can develop and implement proactive legal strategies that help them achieve their goals while minimizing  legal risks. Whether they need ongoing legal support or help resolving surprise disputes, WWL is here to provide businesses with the strategic guidance they need to succeed.

Attorney Services without Subscription- Whelan Walker Law (Hourly-$600/hr)

With a strong background in contract law, Whelan Walker Law (WWL) is well-equipped to assist clients with everything from the creation of new business contracts to the negotiation and enforcement of existing agreements. WWL can provide legal guidance on key contract terms such as warranties, indemnification clauses, and remedies for breach of contract on an hourly basis if desired.

Generally, our hourly clients prefer to seek counsel when matters arise and the services are similar to those described above. WWL has deep knowledge of contract law, real estate transactions, and complex business matters. Whether clients are looking to lease or purchase new property, WWL is able to provide valuable legal advice on everything from contract negotiation, drafting, interpretation, review, to closing all while working closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and objectives, and thereby developing successful strategies to help them achieve their goals.

All in all, clients who choose to work with WWL as business counsel can rest assured that they are getting the highest quality legal services and support. From contract drafting and negotiation to complex business disputes, WWL has the skills and experience to help businesses of all sizes grow and thrive.

By way of example, below outlines a contract review service Whelan Walker Law provides on a unique client centered basis.

What Do Lawyers Look For During a Contract Review?

  • Parties Involved.  Lawyer will check to see all parties involved in a transaction, and make sure their complete legal names are included. The lawyer will want to make sure they understand everyone involved in the transaction.
  • Responsibilities and Rights. The lawyer will want to fully understand what each party’s obligations are and what they are entitled to as part of the contract.
  • Dispute Resolution Clause. The lawyer will want to analyze how any future disputes will be handled, should they occur. Dispute resolution clauses will need to be fair and not overly burdensome on one of the parties.
  • Deadlines. They lawyer will want to understand any deadlines involved in the transaction to make sure they are reasonable.
  • Termination. The lawyer will want to understand how their client can get out of the contract or under what specific terms a contract may end.
  • Representations. A contract should not accept or give any information that you don’t know to be true.
  • Warranties. Warranties should be clearly stated and final in the contract.
  • Indemnification. A lawyer will want to make sure there is mutual indemnification in a contract.
  • Liability. A lawyer will want to understand what liabilities their client will have should there be a breach of obligations or damages.
  • Renewals. The lawyer will look to see if there are any automatic renewals, so their client can understand them.
  • Risk Allocation. A lawyer will outline risks associated with the contract to their client, and how risk is allocated across the parties.
  • Other Terms. Many contracts include business terms which can be negotiated to put their client in a better position.

What Types of Contracts Should Be Reviewed?

If you are asked to sign a legally binding document with a significant implication, you should have it reviewed by a lawyer. Below is a list of common contracts that should undergo contract review.

  • Employment Contract. An employment contract is a legal document that governs an employee-employer relationship. Given how important these documents are, they should undergo contract review before signing.
  • Consulting Agreement.  Consulting Agreements are used between a company and a consultant and may have big implications on payment and liability exposure.
  • Service Contract.  Service Contracts are put in place by businesses to govern the terms of services that will be provided. These contracts should be reviewed to make sure the company is getting into a fair and low-risk relationship.
  • Noncompete Agreement.  Noncompete Agreements are legal documents that limit an employee’s ability to work for a competitor if they leave the employer. Given their potential implications, it is a good idea to get them reviewed.
  • Severance Agreement.  Severance Agreements are legal documents put in place with employees who are terminated.
  • Asset Purchase Agreements.  Asset Purchase Agreements are used when someone is buying assets, typically from a business. They should be reviewed given they normally have a high transaction size.
  • Real Estate Contracts.  Real Estate Contracts are typically high-value, and it is a good idea to get a lawyer to review them before signing.
  • Investment Contracts. Given that Investment Contracts typically include the exchange of a large amount of money, it is wise to have a lawyer review them to make sure the terms are fair.


The list of contracts that would require contract review can go on for a very long time. A good rule of thumb is if a contract has a high value ($5000+) or carries significant risks, you should consider getting it reviewed by a lawyer.